
A Feminist Cooks



Dressing Up

As some of you know, I’ve been interviewing for jobs, primarily in software engineering. In the past, I’ve usually worn a nice business dress to interviews because this makes me feel confident that I will give off a professional vibe.... Continue Reading →

Happy International Women’s Day

Happy International Women's Day! Take today to own your womanhood and celebrate all the quirky things that make you you. Here are a few recent food-ventures (yes, I clearly need some nice dishes for plating):

Boycotting Eggs Two Ways

I studied at an extremely socially outspoken university. Before going there, I was obviously against sexism, racism, homophobia and xenophobia, but it was not until I went to university that I started to observe the small injustices and inequalities around... Continue Reading →

Women’s March, Serenity, and Reproductive Chicken

In light of this past Saturday’s Women’s March, I decided that it would be fitting to write a post about my experience of the march. But honestly, my newsfeed has been so flooded with messages about the march and Trump’s... Continue Reading →

Getting-the-(Creative)-Juices-Flowing Leg of Lamb

It’s a bit of a challenge working my way back to stories of experiencing womanhood and recipes as I still only feel that non-culinary school life is half real. Nonetheless, being in France has also given me time to gather... Continue Reading →

Red Hot Smashed Patriarchy Potatoes

A story and some thoughts A while back, I went to a house party with a couple of friends. After a few minutes, I found myself in a circle of guys, some of whom I knew and others I hadn’t... Continue Reading →

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